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Bewertungen nur aus Ihrem Land (Germany)
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  • 03/02/2015

    Despite its advertised "Screen size(L*W): 17* 9 cm," it will NOT CORRECTLY fit a 17cm screen size smartphone (eg. Samsung Note, Edge, iPhone Plus). I had high hopes that this bag would accommodate my Samsung Note and Edge. Will, it didn't... without a little modding. I had to remove the case and back panel from my phone to make it fit. It was still a very tight fit. I also removed the top and bottom black sewn-in-inlay (not the clear plastic covering) before I was able to gain access to %100 of the screen and the 3 bottom buttons (Menu, Home, & Back). I also needed to cut a little hole at the bottom center of the backing elastic material so I can gain access the charging port. With a bit of fiddling, the zipper can be done up. Once the phone is fully into its holder, it feels very secure. However, I am a little concern that there are insufficient padding on the underside of the phone. IMO, this bag would have be even better if the following features was included. 1. Additional overall protection is needed for the phone, especially additional padding on the underside. 2. The phone case is waterproof. 3. A better quick release and mounting system for the bag. 4. A small built-in carrying handle for times when it is removed from the bike. Overall, as is, this bag is very nicely designed and well built. It has a lot of room for carrying stuff that you just cannot leave with your parked and locked bike. It's definitely worth the money for people using a "standard" size smart phone.

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  • 04/09/2017

    Отличное качество, доставка быстрая.

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